It's a sad state of fucking affairs when the drug trade is the LAST true example of capitalism - true capitalism. The business as I understand it runs on supply and demand. Even some of the state governments are trying to get in on the action by legalizing marijuana - at a price.
A "patient" is the legal dope smoker term here in California, and said patient must go to a "doctor" who can prescribe a card allowing the patient to buy from a "dispensary" - which by the way are allowed in some cities and not others.
This was done for the obvious reason that the government hates competition. If some cat growing some kind is knocking back a few pounds every three or four months he can make pretty good money - so long as there is no taxes. So he sells only at street level or to his buddies willing to pay $350 / ounce.
I'm sure Maxine Waters hits the bong regularly, and even her stupid ass can do the math on them there taxes. Instant legalization. At least half the states have realized the inevitability of pot use - if you can't beat em tax em. So that is exactly what they did. And it fucking works, well!
The other "harder" drugs like heroin and speed are being handled at the federal level. The pharmaceutical companies figured out about 15 years ago they could create synthetic heroin in a pill form called Oxycontin, that was easy to use in a variety of forms - swallow them, remove the "time release" coating and crush em up to either snort or inject them, or my personal favorite which I recently learned on Intervention (the show) was smoking them on tin foil. How the fuck do you smoke a pill on tin foil?
Because most drugs which are dolled out by doctors are both dangerous and addictive, they have been prescribing them with relative impunity for years. Hell, there was a doctor I knew about that worked emergency in Utah who had junkies waiting in the parking lot for him to come on shift because they knew he was good for anything they wanted.
When the hospital caught wind of it, and with the medical and ethical issues involved, the doctor went just up the road (literally) and opened up a pain management clinic. Last I heard he was 3 months out for new patients - which is to say the dude is fucking rolling in it.
The pharmaceutical companies can't put three piece suits on street corners with Glocks, so they took the high road and made it legal, and lucrative. I'm guessing heroin dealers will be obsolete in the next 20 years, which isn't saying the problem will go away. It just means that it will become taxable. That's why the FDA doesn't give a shit if these new high powered wanna be heroin drugs hit the market.
There are a ton of people who are addicted to these, and here is the golden parachute for oxycontin and all other opiates like them - methadone. It's supposed to wean addicts off of opiates, but as usual the cure is worse than the disease.
Any way you look at it the pharmaceutical companies are taking in billions, and paying off those in power on the one side, while the same folks who are getting paid off are crying about what an addicted nation we have become. Something must be done, so long as I keep getting paid.
The US government isn't the biggest threat to the middle east heroin trade, Bristol Myers Squib and other pharmaceutical giants are. Wait and see, smack is on the way out.
It's all about dollars, plain and simple. So long as the street dealers are doing their thing then capitalism will still exist. After all, addiction is recession proof.
Have a great weekend, and Maxine Waters........Fuck off please?
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