So I began the process of further matriculation today and was waiting outside of the locked classroom door at 7am this morning, for a class that was scheduled to begin at 7:30am. Being the first day of classes there were people scurrying about all over the fucking place and nobody knows where anything is.
The first day at college is fucking chaotic to say the least. Financial aid, books, Id's, adding / dropping classes - it's a shitty proposition at best. Parking is also a joke, but I'm saving that one for another day.
4 of us are sitting outside the classroom door, not saying anything, waiting for someone to show up and let us in. Meanwhile the other classrooms are filling up with students, lots of students. About 15 minutes roll by before I felt something had to be wrong, and asked the other 3 guys standing there if they were waiting for the same class.
So I get on my phone and call campus information and they verified that yes I was enrolled and that the class had not been moved (as far as she knew). The woman asked me to look for a note on the doors (which there wasn't any) and then said she didn't fucking know. Perfect!
So she puts me on hold and goes to ask someone else why there is no lights, no unlocked door and most importantly no professor. Why is there only 4 of us there when this class holds 40. This prompts me to ask the others to get out their schedules which we had all printed from registration online, and compare.
Yup, same class number, same instructor, same books etc. Then it hits me, we are the dumbest ten percent in the class. Why? Because the fucking class doesn't start until the 19th - of September.
All I can hope for is my professor doesn't read my blog and realize how stupid I was on this day. Cheers!
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