Thursday, July 21, 2011

Weed SAT's

With roughly half of the states in the country legalizing "medicinal" marijuana in one form or another, the police are alleging that the instances of accidents involving "high" drivers is increasing.

A report from Colorado claims nearly 20% of the auto accidents involve impaired or high driver(s). The same report goes on to say that Colorado has 100,000 "legal" pot users. There are 5 million residents. Hmmmmm.

Lets do the math - 5 million people divided by 100,000 card carriers = .02% . This is dummy math!

However, this is only the beginning of the debate here in California as the argument has just begun to be filibustered regarding how to check drivers "THC" (the active ingredient in weed) level.

When checking for weed intoxication a blood test reveals a unit of measure referred to as nanograms, which I can only assume is similar to parts per million when referring to other substances found in blood. 5 nanograms of THC is what Colorado legislatures are proposing as over the limit - and these same asshole politicians are already admitting that the test results can be rebuffed in court.

The difference between say alcohol and pot is the rate of metabolism. You drink and alcohol processes at a fairly, non-refutable rate. If you get caught driving drunk, you're pretty much fucked. BUT -weed is different and stays in the bloodstream much longer, especially with chronic users. Get caught on suspicion of weed intoxication how does a prosecutor or medical expert prove when the weed was ingested, and to further that point that the driver was actually impaired at the time the test was taken?

I don't use weed, weed products or hemp oil. It's not some fucking moral high ground, it just isn't my thing. I have friends and family that smoke pot on a regular basis - and I don't give a hot fuck. I would much rather be out on the road with a bunch of stoners than drunks - and I drink.

So here is my proposition for the states wanting to regulate this, because the PhD's at MIT have failed fucking miserably to come up with a viable, scientific solution.

If someone is suspected of being "stoned" and the law wants to test them, put them in the back of a police car with a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos (with no soda) and time how long it takes them to kill the bag. If it's under 4.21 minutes then fucking give them a citation, mix their car keys up with their stoner buddies and let them figure out how to get the right key in the ignition. By then they will be "straight" enough to mosey on over to the 7-11 and cop a Big Gulp Dr. Pepper.

If not, let them go and harass someone else.


  1. Love it!!!! You should run for presidency!

  2. Thanks, but "you know who" won't let me cut my hair. Besides, I take Advil and you see how that's working for Bachman?????
