Judge Belvin Perry Jr. is the presiding judge in the media circus which is the Casey Anthony murder trial. I read up on this cat, and from a professional and educational perspective he seems to be at the top of his game. BUT, I have heard this dude talk, and the general consensus is Belvin is an idiot.
I'm sure he knows the legal system, his professional accolades verify that. When Belvin speaks, I get visions of a black Forrest Gump. Seriously, this is the judge the state of Florida chose to oversee the largest media covered trial in history? Belvin is the best they could do?
Today Belvin says, "they are real problems, and they are imaginary problems" during the proceedings. This stellar vernacular from a dude with a BS in History and a Masters degree in Education. Needless to say he won't be teaching 2nd grade English anytime soon.
Belvin - what the fuck kind of name is that anyways?
Belvin is well respected in the black community probably due to the status he has achieved, and has been noted as a positive role model to young black kids.
Call me crazy but I want my kid to be well spoken. In the "immediate" world we live in perception is reality. Folks size each other up by the way we look, the way we speak, and in my case how articulate one is. If I was sitting at a bar with this dude and heard him talk, there is a good chance I would ask him if he would grab me some more peanuts.
There is also the irony of the prison population in this country being predominantly black, which the judge is - and the very few white female inmates which Casey Anthony is. Wonder how this is going to turn out?
The OJ trial was entertaining because it was the first major murder trial covered via cable news channels. Marsha Clark's career was killed on multiple networks simultaneously - live. Johnny Cochran was compelling to watch, partially because I could understand him. Shapiro too. Honestly, the Anthony trial is unwatchable because I can't understand most of what comes out of Belvin's gullet.
I think this case would be much more entertaining if Judge Judy was presiding. Listening to her go on one of her rants about what a shit mom Casey Anthony is, along with the fact that she doesn't have a job would crack me up. What the fuck could Casey Anthony say to her without old Judge Judy telling her "shut-up mam"! Sound bite heaven!
Unfortunately, this will probably end badly for the entire Anthony family. Casey will get the chair, her dad has been outed as to having at least one affair with a fucking ugly woman and her mom has perjured herself. I wonder what's worse, 30 days in jail for lying to the court, or having the world know you will basically hump anything that will hold still?
The Casey family throwing themselves on the mercy of the court would be the smart move - if the judge was capable of forming complete, tangible sentences.
I shouldn't expect Belvin to enunciate when he can't even pronounce the word..... subtitles anyone?
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