Thursday, September 1, 2011

The wrong side of Right

Nope, not a direction as that would be left. This here is more about being right in a situation - you know fundamentally correct? And paying a steep fucking price for it. Sound ambiguous? Check this out.

So my buddy has this wife who is a beautiful woman. She is smart and this dude scored so far over his head when he hooked up with her it was almost anatomically wrong. I mean one doesn't want to piss off the gods of hookups, right?

So the story goes my buddy was drinking a cocktail or two in the evening. Now the cat doesn't have a real job and his wife has supported him for the last 3 or 4 months. He would wait until his wife got home, but sometimes she had shit to do after work so he would begin at 6 or 6:30. After all, she would come home most nights and drink 3 or 4 beers. No big deal right?


The argument wasn't do as I do, it was do as I say. This cat doesn't do well with orders and ultimatums - in fact I've seen him blow up on women in his past when they tried to lay down the law. He is one of the only people I know who has the gift (or curse) of saying shit that brings people to tears. He can find a weakness and exploit the shit out of it, with everyone except his wife.

He is scared of her. Not like in a physical way, although she has a mean streak in her. No, more in the "I love you so much I don't want to lose you way."

But wait, isn't this a double standard over here? Fuck yes it is but that's not important. Isn't this a little unfair? Shit yes it is, but that doesn't fucking matter.

What matters is the woman is always right. Some of you hard ass fundamentalists will disagree when your wife isn't around, but we all know women run this big fucking rock. In fact I heard in class the other day that some chick wrote a thesis on how men could feasibly be eradicated from the planet so long as they jerked off in a cup just before death.

This is biologically not feasible because the genetic puddle would get so shallow the entire world would look like rural Alabama - no offense Alabama.

If you want to have longevity in your relationship with your wife or girlfriend, she has to be right. Most if not all of the time. Get used to it because if you don't you will be alone - and now you cannot say you haven't been told.

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