I received a text message from my little brother in Dallas - telling me how much he enjoys my blogs. It's a strange feeling to put out a shit load of rhetoric online, and not know who is reading it. I am grateful to all of the regular readers, especially when there are so many options for entertainment on the tube, online and outside your front door. I am truly blessed to have the life I do. This topic was suggested by my brother (Chase) who is one of the best songwriters / lyricists I have ever heard. If you are in Dallas go see his band (Chalk Lign) or better yet his acoustic show - it's fucking awesome. This is your topic Chase, love you!
Now that's out of the way, today's topic is the fucked up welfare system in this country. On the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, it appears to me the federal government has done very little to motivate anyone who is on public assistance.
Is that really their fucking job? To motivate the lazy out of their stupor and put them at drive through windows across the country? I still can't get a Wendy's hamburger without cheese, although living in Southern California makes it tough to order anything in a drive up window without speaking a foreign language.
You liberals, settle the fuck down. I'm not beating up on ANY ethnic group. I'm stating facts, and those of you who live somewhere besides SoCal believe me when I say it's a pain in the ass. Starbucks got smart and decided to almost eliminate the drive through window completely. Maybe it's because real estate is so expensive - I'm guessing it's more about a language barrier. After all, who wants to give someone a "hot" coffee and have them pissed off? That shit fucking burns if some asshole gets sideways and tosses it on you because dude didn't get his extra pump of sugar free vanilla.
The Welfare system in Obama's budget is set to spend about 10 trillion over the next 10 years. Dude won't be president in 10 years, so those numbers are meaningless. Which candidate from either side will come into office thinking that Obama did such a great fucking job, let's just go ahead and keep things as they are? Not fucking one.
But spending a trillion dollars on anything that has no return on the investment possibilities is fucking stupid. Let me repeat that, FUCKING STUPID!
I can hear the far left liberals already whining about the hungry children, the folks who can't get a job, those who are unwilling to accept less than what they made 10 years ago. Look dummies, you can't run as fast as you could 10 years ago (unless you are under 20) so you have to work smarter instead of harder. If that thought doesn't translate into your job search, your future isn't worth a bucket of piss.
There are approximately 40 million food stamp recipients costing the taxpayers approximately 2 grand a piece each year. Some of these people need the assistance, some trade their "benefits" for drugs and other personal habits. Now far be it from me to tell anybody what to spend their cash on, but if I'm paying for it eat hot dogs and peanut butter sandwiches.
The pending legislation that is being considered will cap the amount of benefits any one person can get. In Michigan, they are getting medieval with this bullshit program and putting a 4 year maximum in play. Why? So the lazy and unmotivated won't memorize every fucking episode of Law and Order. I'm sure Michael Moore (I like his films, but think his politics are fucking stupid) will get another feature documentary about his shitty little hometown of Flint.
The human race has survived because we adapt and go where the food is. Back in the tribal days, you didn't see villages put up in the middle of the desert where there was no water and eating a scorpion was a good day - nope. People went to places where they could survive. If you can't get a fucking job where you live, move. It's really a simple concept.
If you have children and can't afford them now, quit fucking and making more of them. They say a child is raised by a village and 1,000 years ago that may have been true. In todays world, Tv and the internet seem to be the babysitters of choice - so the village has become unnecessary and computers are paramount to a kids development.
Kids are not to blame, the stupid fuckers that made them are! I see single mom's at school and hear stories of how much sacrifice they make to get an education in order to answer a phone - their choice.
This country is the greatest in the world because it guarantees the "pursuit of happiness." That statement says nothing about paying for that pursuit. If life is kicking you in the balls over and over again, move your balls (that's metaphoric) and do something different.
For those of you on public assistance, get used to the idea of not getting it. Get a fucking job, and if there are no jobs then create one for yourself.
The rest of the world expects bad shit to happen, and deal with it accordingly for the most part. America is the only country in the civilized world where we are truly surprised when bad shit happens. Well, get fucking used to it - bad has been around almost as long as good and it isn't leaving anytime soon.
For the politicians who are making these decisions, quit worrying about getting re-elected and make tough choices. You want to see chaos in this country? Keep your bullshit up. Take a lesson from Trump or Chris Christie and say "fuck off" to those who feel entitled. This means you government employees, and especially you teachers. Your union is fucked up and if you are smart enough to teach the youth of this nation, then get off of your 9 month work year fat ass and pay for some of your own benefits - just like the rest of us have to do. You ain't special, trust me on this.
Unfortunately there is no easy fix for any of these social, political, human, or financial issues. The logical thing to do is to look at what works, and do that. What has been done over the last 5 or 6 years isn't working, can you hear that? Fucking fix it!
Happy NFL day, and never forget the events of 9/11.
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