That is what the LAPD and Orange County PD said when asked if they were inclined to modify their "official" police line-up protocol. A new study has just been released showing when cops who a) know which photo is the potentially guilty party and b) the photographs are all shown at the same time the false identification rate goes up exponentially.
The ideal scenario is to use a computer, and to show witnesses possible perpetrators one at a time so they can compare the photos to what is inside of their head, or memory instead of the other pictures of benign suspects. This method, also known as the "double blind" method - is used routinely in the scientific and pharmaceutical worlds. Why? Because it fucking works.
This study on improper criminal identifications has been conducted over 35 years, and has taken a back seat to genetic evidence, until recently. Troy Davis was executed yesterday and how ironic is it that this high profile case was on and off again several times, had governmental officials involved along with some high profile civilians? if I remember correctly 2 million people signed a petition to have the execution stayed until sufficient police work was done - which is essentially a life sentence.
In the Davis case, there was no physical or DNA evidence linking him to the death of an off duty cop who was shot in the late 80s.
I'm not contending that this guy was not guilty - I don't know that much about his case. I do know if it was up to me there is no fucking way I could have pushed that syringe. Dudes like Timothy Mcveigh I have no issue with eliminating from the gene puddle. Difference is TM admitted his crime, which as horrific as it was came off as original and effective as any attack on American soil, until Bin Laden had his epiphany. Look where he ended up - and he fucking deserved it on general principal alone.
The death penalty is a controversial issue, and there is no rational reason to continue a piss poor process that potentially leads to the afterlife without having state of the art technology to use (not manipulate) at the disposal of the authorities. That said, I like cops about as much as I like getting poison oak on my cock. However, they are a necessary evil that allegedly maintains order and hands out speeding tickets.
To kill a man due to conjecture, hearsay and general bullshit is a fucking travesty of injustice. I will say the dude took it like a man and didn't cry and make a bunch of fucking noise. He quietly maintained his innocence and let the system fuck him. Nice job system!
This brings me to the LAPD and the cocksuckers down south in the OC - you can't have it both ways dummies. You cannot convict someone using technology such as genetic testing and at the same time deny a new protocol that will help you eliminate your fuckups. Perhaps your department doesn't want to fix the fuckups, but you work for us, the taxpayers - we are the board of directors and if there is a new method of keeping your idiocy out of the legal equation I'm all for it. Now, all we need to do is gather a quorum and take a vote.
I'm not sure what the problem is or where the resistance is coming from as it pertains to this issue, but when I see your cruisers running around with duct tape holding the bumper on I'm guessing that doesn't breed confidence in your capabilities or your intellect - or your integrity.
Consider changing your slogan from "to protect and serve" to "we may just ass fuck you". It would definitely be more accurate and believable.
Look, nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. But those mistakes are as serious as the consequences they cause. Feel free to quit fucking up, profiling and writing people up at the end of every month. We all know you have quotas to fill, but, if you did your fucking jobs every day instead of cramming 30 days worth of tickets into speed traps 4 days at the end of every month we would all be better off.
By the way, those little mountie helmets your MC cops wear look stupid as hell. Just thought you should know. Have a nice day!
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