It turns out that drug and alcohol rehab facilities are not all 12 steps, puppies, hopes and rainbows. Nope, especially if you find yourself inside of a Mexican rehab facility. That which was once a safe haven, or sanctuary if you will, from the outside world and dealers and contraband has now become the barrel in which the fish reside.
Confused? I was too, until I did a little research on the subject. Mexican drug cartel members use drug rehabilitation centers as recruiting grounds for couriers / mules as well as seeking retribution on members from rival factions seeking to go straight. Yeah well, whatever. If you find yourself in a Mexican drug rehabilitation center I would assume that is one step above being locked in a Turkish prison.
I can't help but chuckle at the thought of these cartel members protecting their client base by putting it out to their drug purchasing peeps that if they even think about trying to get clean, "we will shoot you, your junkie friends and the unsuspecting staff. Oh yeah, and anybody else who might be there".
"Oh shit, you're in rehab? We will wait for you......uh on second thought how about we just show up and start shooting the patients? Great see you there..... Nice".
Thus was the case this past week in Mexico, and it isn't the first time either.
Is this a sign of shit to come form the the other side of the border? How many days will pass until some rehab in Texas or Arizona gets shot up by the same people or group? Mexico in this case is the proverbial lab rat - if it works down there it will inevitably work up here. Killing junkies is perhaps two steps removed from killing children, something that even the rag head terrorists won't fucking do.
I like to chalk all of this up to attrition, Darwinism and or natural selection. But, exterminating helpless, addiction riddled folks in the throes of withdrawl is just not cool. However, my buddy in Vegas says, and he is often right, "you want to piss off this country? Kill some children and see how fast the bombs come out". I have to agree with him, and although I don't see a pending nuclear reaction for killing junkies the intent or motive is eerily similar.
However, the sales pitch that these Mexican cats have is interesting. "Use our product or we will kill you. Try to stop using our product, we got that, you're dead". What other industry in history has gone to such extremes in the modern era to protect and maintain its customer base? I got nothing.......
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