Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Wish I Were.......

Fuck! I didn't want to do it. The entire Wienergate issue is already out of hand with all of the media covering a guy who likes to fuck. That said, he definitely will not be the last government official to screw around on his wife, on government time, using official government phones and email blah blah just to lie about it when caught - then to come (oops) clean and admit not only the utter stupidity of the lie, but own the sex and or inappropriate behavior.

Give the Wiener dude his props, he says (as of today) that he won't resign. Sure you won't dummy. Your wife comes back from her trip with her boss Hillary (my husband fucks anything that will hold still) Clinton, and don't think for one second her pregnant ass is going to put up with your fucking around on her. Her boss has had the time it takes to fly across the Atlantic to educate her on the finer points of fucking you over. This includes, but is not limited to, the nuclear (info that can kill your career) bomb she now has hanging over your stupid looking face.

You can't run for the NY Mayor's office now either, Mr. Bladwin is going to run and you don't fuck with the Baldwin brothers. Those cats took your weak ass game pro years, neh, decades ago. You are for all intents and purposes what the English refer to as "proper fucked".

Do yourself a favor and give slick Willie a call and ask him how he dealt with his wife's bullshit when he came (oops) across on television as a liar. It may give you some insight on just how bleak your future is.

Shit, Trump says you should resign. And when sir Combover speaks you should listen. But seriously, milk this fucker for all it's worth. Get a sex tape out, sell some t-shirts - do something to capitalize on this mess you created because as sure as you are a stupid looking politician your wife is angry, pregnant and now motivated. Look for her to be in the next senate race.

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