Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Homosexual Education - SB1437

Out here in the great state of California, where money is as scarce as fresh movie ideas, a progressive new piece (of shit) legislation has been introduced - to force the school system statewide to teach homosexuality, gender bending and other unusual lifestyles in public schools.

Now understand, I don't give a hot fuck what folks do in their personal lives. We have very close friends who are a gay couple, which I depict as normal. This is not a gay or lesbian bash. Know that going in.

Here is an excerpt expressing what the bulk of this bill is:

SB 1437 requires textbooks to highlight the so- called positive contributions of homosexual and transgender individuals to society and would prevent textbooks, teaching materials, instruction, and “school- sponsored activities” from reflecting adversely upon persons based on their sexual orientation or actual or perceived gender. 

 So here is my list of issues (in no particular order) with this stupid fucking proposed law.

1) The coalition for the advancement of  Heroin, Crack, Cocaine, Meth and Hallucigenics are getting shortchanged, In school, I was warned about the dangers of these substances, but my school district failed to extol their virtues.I know nothing has changed since my time in the public school system, who by the way tried to force feed me Ritalin so I could focus. Had they told me this was straight speed the chances of my taking their magic beans would have gone up exponentially.

Instead, this bill is discriminatory toward the folks who sell these substances, including the pharmaceutical companies. But drugs are dangerous and addictive you say? Pretty much all substances prescribed by our medical community are dangerous and addictive (see insulin).Yet the cash thrown at federal lobbyists by the pharmaceutical giants is staggering.

2) The coalition for the advancement of smoking will want some fair play. Shit, this is a legal activity which probably rivals if not exceeds the amount of cash given to our representatives in Washington by the manufacturers.

Oh but you say smoking isn't legal by minors? I'm going to go ahead and say here and now that a 12 year old smoking is not nearly as disturbing as a couple of 12 year old boys swallowing each others swords. Call me crazy.....

3) Drinking Games International is going to want some time as well. How can you have a wedding, gay or otherwise without being completely shitfaced following the nuptials?

4) Undoubtedly the porn industry is going to want to enlighten these grade school kids to the pleasures of the flesh - be it gay, lesbian or locomotive. I'm guessing Vivid and other companies of this billion dollar industry will want to have their own textbook, or at very least their own chapter.

5) The gaming industry will absolutely demand that the idea of becoming a professional, or at least compulsive gambler be displayed. And why not? Where else can a moronic nobody win 10 million bucks by sliding a 5 spot across a counter?

I realize this is a ridiculous list, and all of these activities are potentially deadly. But isn't sexual orientation as well? Aren't there children killing themselves because of their sexual orientation?

Perhaps values and acceptance should be more of an indoctrination at the adolescent education level. Besides, the state of California is broke, and will be forced to allow the evil Coke machines back into the schools to finance this should it pass.

How great is that? Fat gay sex education..........

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